domingo, 25 de mayo de 2014


Cape Town is a city with which you begin your trip to South Africa. It is one of the most exciting places you can visit in a lifetime. The city background is the magestic Table Mountain atop wich is the Table Mountain National Park. There are many mountain excursions and on its slopes. The city is the heart of the Cape Floral Región, a place wich was declared a World Heritage Site.
Visit Robben Island is like a pilgrimage for many tourists. The island prision was the detention of some of the most popular fighters against apartheid, the system of segregation that separted people by their color. The most famous prisioner in jail won the Nobel Award, Dr. Nelson Mandela.
One of the most important places for the permanent features offered on wildlife is the Kruger National Park. It is also the oldest national park in Africa. Not only can you see the big animals up close, but the park is a great place for it breathtaking scenery.

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